Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I am suffering from post-dissertation depression. I have not wanted to read or write since finishing the dissertation. I've tried everything and I truly thank you if you offered a suggestion. However, the good news, evident by this blog post, is that I believe I am emerging from this funk. I even took my Kindle to lunch with me today. It is important that I read and write. 

My calling as a pastor mandates that I read and read widely. A pastor that doesn't read doesn't...well I will let you be judgmental and finish that sentence :-) It is important that a pastor stays current on theological issues, social issues, entertainment issues, etc... and the best way to do that is to read. 

Who God has created me to be mandates that I write. Being in the image of God who created me, I have a desire to create. My outlet for creating is writing. I need to write to feel like Terry. My second favorite fictional character once said "If I don't have a good shower, I am not myself. I feel weak and ineffectual. I'm not Kramer." I'm not Terry if I'm not writing. I have had a novel brewing inside me for a number of years. I'm about ready to pop the cork and start writing it. I envision it having a similar impact as The Shack (I'm anticipating a let down). 

Anyway if you've been concerned about me don't fret I think I have turned the corner.