I write this as an apology to my children who had to grow up as small church pastor kids. I think I understand how tough it is. It isn't enough that you are a pastor's kid, but you are also a pastor's kid in a small church--what's the difference?
A small church pastor often isn't paid very well. Therefore, there isn't a lot of money to go around for a lot of the extra stuff that other kids may get. And if there is extra money it usually is sacrificed for the church or to send the pastor to a conference that the church can't afford to send them to.
Because a small church pastor isn't paid very well, often times the spouse has to work as well. This causes extra stress on the kids as there are more chores to do, less parental volunteering and the wonder if my parents will be able to make it to the game, concert, play, etc...because they are both working.
Because a small church pastor usually doesn't have a staff they end up working more (many even have to have a second job) and therefore family time suffers.
Finally, small churches do not usually have vibrant children and teen ministries and the small church pk never knows what it is like to have a children's pastor or a youth pastor.
So to my children who have been in a small church their whole life I'm sorry that you've missed out on some things.