Monday, April 7, 2014

Noah Movie

I finally got to see Noah after reading at least one hundred reviews and posts about it. I didn't want to form an opinion before seeing it myself. What I read was all over the place from "best movie" to "absolutely hated it". 

I thought it was really good. There was some amazing imagery, symbolism and paradox. Some things that really stood out for me:
* The struggle for Noah to interpret and discern God's will. Those who thought he was a lunatic, did you also think Abraham was a lunatic? In my opinion as someone who daily struggles with what God wants me to do I can relate to Noah who was doing it on an unimaginable scale.
* Tubal-cain sharing the animal flesh with Ham was eeirly similar to Eve sharing the forbidden fruit with Adam. Choosing selfish pride over God.
* Noah hovering over the twins with a knife screamed Abraham and Isaac
* Ila's conversation with Noah after they made land was redemptive. He chose you to make the right choice and you chose "mercy and love". Breath taking!
* I had read over and over how it doesn't mention God. Well that was not true. They call God: "Creator" over and over again and if you don't think "Creator" is a title for God, well… They also use the masculine pronoun for God time and time again. In case you're still angry they didn't use the name God, I advice you to give the Old Testament a more thorough read.

My interpretation of Aronofsky's interpretation of the contemporary Biblical text (which is generations of translators and scribes interpretation of a story told around ancient Israelite's campfires) is this: Mankind, through selfishness and greed, destroyed the world. The Creator's flood wasn't meant to destroy, but redeem and give the created order another chance.

Anyways I'd like to see it again with a notepad and pen in hand because I think there was a lot of really cool things that I missed or have already forgotten.

One final thought, I know a lot of people got angry and said Noah was heartless for leaving Ham's woman in the trap and not saving her…hello! If Noah was heartless for that what was God in all of it!?


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  2. I cannot wait to see this! I hope it's on NetFlix or HBO soon!
