This blog post was inspired by a post in Skin Ministries
I was on my way to the gym one snowy day and drove by a truck in the ditch. By the marks in the snow it was obvious that some kids were fooling around and lost control. The truck was stuck and the drive wheel had spun down into the mud below the snow. I felt I should stop but shouldn't they sleep in the bed they made. I drove on still feeling I should stop, but I was on my way to the gym--my training partner was waiting for me. I drove on, but felt I should go back. I would but I was on my way to the gym and didn't want to get my shoes and workout pants all wet and muddy. I drove on, but couldn't shake the voice that was telling me to go back. I turned around and went back. Within seconds I had helped push them out. When the driver smiled at me I felt that Jesus was smiling at me. I'm so thankful that I went back, but grieved all the times when I didn't and missed the presence of Jesus.
You are an amazing person, Terry Clees! Not because you were generous with your time and helped the people in the truck, but because you (and I) realize that we have missed opportunities to give of ourselves to others.