Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lean with God

Catherine and I were riding my motorcycle out to Indian Lake Nazarene Campgrounds; I was driving and Catherine was riding on the back.  We were being followed by friends on their motorcycle.  Catherine was fairly new to riding on the back of a motorcycle and wasn't yet comfortable with simply "riding along".  She wanted some control.  This was never more evident as we exited off the freeway.  I took the exit at a little above the posted speed and leaned my 2009 Softail Custom into the corner.  To my surprise she wasn't turning--I leaned more--and for a moment I didn't think we were going to make the turn.  I felt I was almost dragging my knee like a cafe racer.  Praise God we made the corner and my heart only skipped a few beats.  When we got to our destination I was informed by our friends that while I was leaning into the corner, Catherine's natural reaction was to lean the other way, essentially negating my efforts to go in the desired direction.

I think it is our natural reaction to try and lean the other way when God wants us to lean with God.  God may be desiring that we go one way, but our instinct--our comfort zone--says we go the other way.  Catherine and I didn't wreck, but I think sometimes we become a spiritual wreck when we lean counter to God.  Catherine has since become an expert passenger on my bike and we have enjoyed many adventures together.  My hope is that we become expert passengers with God and enjoy every minute of the adventure.

P.S.  I'm not a big fan of the bumper sticker that says "God is my co-pilot".  Shouldn't God be the pilot?

1 comment:

  1. Amen TC! The hardest part for me is reading the corner! I often seek God's direction but only occasionally receive the guidance requested. When I'm at rock bottom about things is when I have received it but even then I honestly don't always understand it. Guess I need to master being a better listener!
