Monday, August 1, 2011

Skunk Part One

I just returned from our District's camp meeting where I worked security.  Who knew part of the security job would be chasing and trapping skunks!  We encountered three skunks--thankfully it was during one of the worship services so that most of the people were in the tabernacle.  Gary (a friend), Richard (my son) and I tracked and followed these skunks hoping to keep anyone from being sprayed.  One found refuge under a porch, another went down a hole, but the third went into the bushes where we cornered it.  The camp director Rob Lewis came to the rescue with some traps and a bucket--believe it or not we caught one of them with the bucket.  No one got sprayed!

However, the scent of skunk still lingered in the air--an unpleasant smell at best.  You see skunk smell permeates its surroundings and causes a stench long after the skunk itself is gone.  It is like sin in that way.  We may remove the sin from our lives (woo-who!), but often the stink of that sin still affects us and others around us--even some who just happened to be innocent bystanders.  Sin stinks!

Let us, therefore, through the power of the Holy Spirit do our best to do what God calls us to and to not do those things we know we shouldn't.

(tomorrow I will post my second skunk story)

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