Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pit Bulls

I love pit bulls ("pit-bowls" said in my Shorty Rossi voice).  I just took one in this morning that a friend had  found...I couldn't stand the thought of it going to the humane society and being killed.  I know the policy in a lot of shelters is that they don't even adopt out pit bulls because of the danger.  And the danger is real...a pit bull can be a dangerous dog, but it can also be (and is most often the case by a wide margin) the sweetest, most loving and loyal dog you have ever known.

But people look at the wide shoulders, big jaws and large head and fear.  I wonder if people look at me in the same way: wide shoulders, big arms, beard and tattoos--fear.  However, I know God doesn't look at me that way--I know God loves me for who I am.  When I am loving on a pit bull it reminds me of God loving on me.  When I am loving on a pit bull I am reminded of the awesomeness of God's creation.

I am also reminded of how awesome it would be to live in a world where no one discriminated regardless of breed, color, race, ethnicity, wealth, etc...(of course I'm not just talking about dogs).  I guess it starts with me...Lord, help me to love everyone and bring my prejudices to the forefront where I can work on them.

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