Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Get your pass stamped!

I listened to a sermon this past week and the preacher literally said "it doesn't matter how bad your life is now, heaven awaits you!"

Maybe I'm a jerk, but this rubbed me the wrong way. I cannot recall Jesus saying: "your life stinks, but your saved now so just wait it out." Jesus never said, "it sucks to be blind (lame, crippled, demon possessed, etc...) but don't worry because you'll be in heaven for all eternity and this time of suckatude is like a grain of sand on the beach of eternity."

Jesus healed and called for a better life now! "Go and sin no more", not so you'll get to heaven, but so your life will stop sucking. Sin causes strife. Sin causes drama. Sin not only hurts us, but others around us. That is no way to live.

When we focus on simply getting our ticket stamped "heaven" we miss out on the abundant life that God wants for us right here and right now. We miss out on some awesome relationships because we have tunnel vision. We miss out on the glory all around us. We miss out...


  1. Times of suckatude happen...but they ALWAYS pass, if we let them. Some people choose to dwell in their suckatude; it's comfortable and "homey". Perhaps those are the ones just biding their time on earth until something better comes along. It's no way to live...life is short, but it can be so full of joy. You're right, it's foolish to miss out. Thanks for posting. I needed this reminder today. Soaking in a bath of suckatude today...

  2. Pull the plug sister and let the suckatude go down the drain!
