Friday, August 10, 2012


My vacation is winding down and I've begun to reflect back on it. One thing that stands out for me is just how much I enjoy being on my motorcycle. The wind in my face, the roar and vibration of the Milwaukee made power plant, the ability to see everything around me unhindered, and the freedom makes me want to raise my fist and shout with joy. The only thing keeping me from riding around with a huge smile is that I don't want my grill to turn into a bug catcher. If you saw me on my bike you would notice that there is a joy in my eyes...a transformation from my normal every day walking around attitude. A metamorphous takes place when I am riding.

To compare what happens to me when I am on my HOG to the "Transfiguration" would be heretical at best in some people's eyes. But......Jesus became transfigured at rest. When I am on my bike, even when riding the Dragon's Tail, I am at rest and I am transformed. It isn't lost on me that the author of Mark says Jesus was transfigured after six days (does that scream Sabbath rest to anyone else?). Jesus revealed his glory on the it possible that I'm revealing my glory, even God's glory while I'm riding?

I guess the point of this blog post and my reflection is that we need times of rest. And in those times of rest we need to do things that bring us joy. Frank Green introduced me to the word faceting, which is the process of cutting a gem to bring out its glory. We need that thing in our life, that faceting, which brings us joy.    

1 comment:

  1. The importance of rest and rejuvenation cannot be denied.
